̳: «http»


  1. HTTP . Http , .

    HTTP Web- - World Wide Web. http .


    : 1 |  - - - http -
  2. ³ (Sending a POST Request Using a URL)

    ³ (Sending a POST Request Using a URL)


    : 1 | java - post - sending a post request using a url - http
  3. url (Getting Text from a URL)

    url (Getting Text from a URL)


    : 1 | java - getting text from a url - post - http
  4. Eros Ramazzotti The Collection (2010)

    : Eros Ramazzotti : The Collection : 2010 : 346 MB


    : 1 | buongiorno - terra - promessa - http - cuorus - eros - amore - ramazzotto - bambina - erztcollection - occhi - canzone - raix - emozione - storium - agitatus - importante - collection
