dispute resolution services
@SDM_Partners provides a full range of dispute resolution services. We represent clients before general, commercial, and administrative courts at all instances, as well as before int commercial arbitration institutions - bit.ly/2GkUZ09 #LawFirmKyiv #dispu
Мітки: київ, юрконсультація, юристи, інтелектуальна власніть, спори, вирішення спорів
dispute resolution services
@SDM_Partners provides a full range of dispute resolution services. We represent clients before general, commercial, and administrative courts at all instances, as well as before int commercial arbitration institutions - bit.ly/2GkUZ09 #LawFirmKyiv #dispu
Вирішення спорів у сфері інтелектуальної власності
@SDM_Partners provides a full range of dispute resolution services.